BBC Television Centre – Plot H
Project Description:
Plot H forms part of the Television Centre site located within the London Borough (LB) of Hammersmith and Fulham.
Plot H is bound to the east by Wood Lane, to the south by MacFarlane Road, and is separated from the wider Television Centre site by a railway line that abuts the western edge of the site.
Plot H will provide two new residential buildings, comprising a North and South Block with retail uses at Level 0 facing Wood Lane. Between the two buildings a new public space and the opening of two railway arches creates a link between the main Television Centre
development site and Wood Lane.
Key Challenges:
Proximity to railway lines and arches.
Integration of landscape design with requirements for emergency and arches maintenance access.
Structural design to minimise effects of vibration from usage of railway lines.
Access and maintenance strategy for external shutters.
Constraints for facades constructions
Should you wish to know more about our role on Residential projects, please contact
iM2 Role: Principal Designer Advisor
Project Team:
Maccreanor Lavington
Sector: Residential Mixed Use
Start Date: February 2021
Completion: TBC
Value: (£) Confidential